Research Profile
Laura has an active research practice. Her research manifests in various forms including artistic and written outcomes and conference presentations. Laura completed her PhD "The Introverted Kinetic Sculpture" at the Victorian College of the Arts, the University of Melbourne in 2014, for which she was nominated by her faculty for the Chancellor's Prize for Excellence in the PhD Thesis.
Laura represented the Victorian College of the Arts in "The Outstanding Field: Artistic Research Emerging from the Academy", run by the Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts Incorporated (DDCA) in 2015. Through this symposium, Laura was invited to present her paper "The Introverted Kinetic Sculpture: how it moved" to researchers and PhD candidates in the School of Art and Design at the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.
Siphon, 2010
Laura has presented conference papers at "Transversal Practices: Matter, Ecology and Relationality - the VI Conference on New Materialisms" at the Victorian College of the Arts, the University of Melbourne in 2015; in "Interdiscipline", presented by AAANZ, at the University of Melbourne in 2013; at the "Experimental Arts Conference", NIEA, Sydney, 2011; and in "Moving Imagination", Ghent, Belgium, also in 2011. She also presented her artwork "Underwing" at the "Sensory Worlds" conference at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2011.
Publications include “The Somatic in Kinetic Sculpture: from Len Lye to an Introverted Kinetic Sculpture (via Donna Haraway's Cyborg)” in the collective volume "Moving Imagination: The Motor Dimension of Imagination in the Arts", 2013; and “Exploring Neocybernetics and New Materialisms in Contemporary Kinetic Sculptural Practice through 'The Introverted Kinetic Sculpture' ” in the peer-reviewed journal "Studio Research", 2014.